Saturday, September 17, 2011

Paradigm Shift! Sorta...

I know it's been a bit since my last post, but things have been a bit uneventful. The only thing that's happened lately is a bit of a shift in focus for me.

See, my family went out of town for a week and some. So I've been looking at my writing while I've had the silence and focus to do so, getting myself back into editing duties pro-bono and entering a flash fiction competition last week. Three winners will be selected out of a pool of 19 writers, all of whom showed their faces to compose a 500-word piece of fiction on a theme presented on the spot, with a 90-minute time limit. I turned mine in with 5 minutes to spare, and I'll know if I'm one of the three selected in about a month's time. I'll make sure to keep my readers posted.

If I do win, I get a cash prize, my story gets posted in CityLife and I'll have to read my fiction piece in front of an audience at the Vegas Valley Book Festival in November. So wish me luck, and I hope this leads into other, possibly bigger, things for the Ram!

As far as the Remixology competition, I wasn't selected. But I figure I could use the winnings from the writing contest to help me out in the next one. I haven't given up, just on a mixology competition hiatus.

Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Again, I can use all the luck y'all can muster for me!