Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Against the Grain...of Curry!

Seeing as a colleague of mine has titled his blog with 'curry', I send this titular retort. Of course, it's only a retort in title, but it's something. So there! Take that, Sean L.!

Anyhow, finished tons of content for a few clients. I'll post the links on tomorrow's addition to this blog, but for now...

I say adieu, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Commendations to those who get that line. Really. Literacy is often such a lost art...

***Check out the other bloggers from the office!***

Dustin: http://designcolloquium.blogspot.com
Sean L: http://rantsofslanier.blogspot.com
Darrell: http://saishuhane.blogspot.com
Ryan: http://nayr702.blogspot.com
Scott: http://thegingerback.blogspot.com
Daniel: http://buildingwithpixels.blogspot.com
Jem: http://emojem.blogspot.com
Sean F: http://sanatoriumemporium.blogspot.com
God: http://devsteve.blogspot.com
Phil: http://developerphil.blogspot.com
Jeff: http://jeffstimes.blogspot.com
John: http://johnknoten.blogspot.com
Chris: http://loushou.blogspot.com
Kimberly: http://kimbna.blogspot.com

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