Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Revenge of Pain

Just when I thought the pain was subsiding, it transitioned from my ankle to my instep, then back to my ankle again over the past week. Ugh...

Despite my lack of concentration (again, due to the pain and a lack of sleep because of it), I managed to finish content for both a realtor in Lake Chelan and an MLM client. I started content for another client, but the pain started again and I'm trying to hold out for at least another 20 minutes from the time of this post to take more Motrin.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm overdoing it to myself. 13 days of work one time, one day off followed by two shifts in one day after that, then actually coming to work and taking pain pills instead of resting this week.

Curse my workaholic tendencies...they're going to be the death of me. Not literally.

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